And now for something completely different

How far would you go out of your comfort zone to support something you feel passionate about? Dip into your wallet and maybe donate a fifty instead of a twenty? Walk 10 kilometres instead of 5? Donate a significant prize? What about stepping into a boxing ring? Not comfortable with that idea? No, nor was I when I was first approached. But on Thursday night, at North Sydney Leagues Club, that is exactly what I am doing. Why on earth would you do that I hear you ask. Fair question. Well the short answer is to raise money for New South Wales Police Legacy’s largest annual fundraiser in remembrance of all NSW Police Force Officers who have died or been killed on duty. The challenge is to raise funds to continue providing essential financial assistance and social programs and experiences to the widows, widowers and dependent children of those police officers.  Good mates of mine have been killed in the line of duty and I am fighting in their memory. Good mates of mine have also taken their own lives as a result of the psychological destruction their work has caused. I am also fighting in their memory.  But I am also wearing my beyondblue ambassadors colours to show that I am prepared to walk the walk and not just talk the talk when it comes to my promotion of good physical health is critical to good mental health, not just for serving police officers but for everyone who is in a job where they are subjected to unending stress and pressure and I think just about anyone who has their own business or is employed is facing thos